Forthcoming Events

Tots Tales
First and Third Tuesday of each month (excluding July and August)
10.15am - 11.15am

Construction Club
Second Saturday of each month in the Library
10.30am - 11.30am

Friends of Newbold Verdon Cinema
Third Tuesday each month
door open at 7.00pm

Crafts, Coffee and Chat
Every Friday morning during term time, 10.00 - 12.00. £3 per craft kit.
Run in conjunction with Earl Shilton Community House
If you would like to see what events are coming up, have a look at our new event calendar. You can also use it to check availability for meeting rooms.
Below is a list of other events held at the Library. For more information on these please contact us...
Novel Readers - first Tuesday evening of the month
Ukulele Group – Alternate Sunday afternoons of the month and every Wednesday evening
Summer Reading Challenge
Friends of Newbold Verdon events including Newbold Cinema
"Forget-Me-Not" - activities for sufferers from memory loss and their carers
Summer Family Fun Day
Occasional Arts and Crafts Workshops
Parish Council Surgeries
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